One dog is not enough, two dogs and something is still missing: three is the charm.

Left to right: Lady, Oliver, Princess
I love my pack, but let me tell you, a pack of three is three times more work than a pack of one. Feeding is one of the biggest differences when it comes to a household of multiple dogs. Instead of buying a small bag of dog food, I have to buy a big bag that lasts a about month, if that! Luckily, my dogs aren’t big dogs or they would eat a lot more food. But they do devour a lot of milk bones which they beg for every night.
With a hairy pack that doesn’t shed (since my mom has allergies), I have to groom them every few months. Yes, I do my own grooming for my pack of dogs. It saves me a lot of money since it is about sixty dollars per dog to get them groomed. Plus, it is less stress on my dogs which always makes me happy.
The two biggest downfalls of owning multiple dogs are more poop and more money. But, poop can be picked up and money can be made. My dogs come into my life and I promise them they are here to stay. Dogs rely on us to care for them and in return they make our life whole.
It is funny when I take my dogs out on walks or I am talking to someone about my dogs, the reactions I get are priceless. One lady I was talking to the other day told me she got her dog for her daughter but she could do without a dog herself. So I look down and see this calm, sweet Shih Tzu that is as happy as it can be. I thought to myself, “She should meet my pack.” I told her I had three dogs and she was in shock. I kind of looked around thinking to myself, “What is so shocking about a pack of dogs?” So, she asked me, “How do you deal with that many dogs?” I looked at her dog and smiled. Inside I was laughing because to me it’s just my normal life. I told her, “It is a little more work, but I love them and they give love back.” What can I say, I would do anything for my pack of dogs.
Do you have a multiple dog family?