Merry Christmas

christmas_2014_family_portrait_lifetimewithdogsChristmas has come and gone so fast but it was a nice one. Lots of laughs, smiles and doggie kisses. It was bitter sweet because Lady was not here to celebrate it with us but I know she was here spiritually. Princess and Oliver remind me daily to keep smiling and enjoy life.

I love my dogs so much and because I spoil them just a little bit, I did get them gifts this Christmas. They received nice winter jackets about a week before Christmas. I decided to give them their jackets early because it was really cold here. Let me tell you, they look so fashionable! Today they got a Bobo dog toy, a squeaky bone and dog treats. They seem very pleased with their gifts. Especially the treats!


Well, I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas. Hope you feel stuffed with food and celebrated the birth of Jesus. Don’t forget to hug and kiss the ones you love because cherishing every moment is what counts.

What did you get your dogs this Christmas?

In memory of Lady


I am still in shock that Lady has passed away last night. The day before she was her happy, playful self and than yesterday she went down hill. In the morning Lady was vomiting and had bloody diarrhea so we decided the best thing to do was to take her to the vet. The vet said he will run some tests and let us know what is going on. He called back in the afternoon and said she had pancreatits and inflamed liver which meant she would have to stay at the vet until Sunday. Which I knew it had to do with her pancreas, but I never thought it would be what would take her from this earth. But it was. That night the vet called and said her heart stopped. They said they got it to start again but to come right over. When we got there and I saw her laying on the table I knew it was not good. Her eyes were all glazed over and she was not there. Only reason she was breathing was because of the breathing machine she was on. So, my mom and I decided to let her go. My heart is crushed right now but I know she is in a better place. I just can’t believe she is gone so suddenly from my life. I decided to write a letter to Lady, because she meant the world to me….


Dear Lady,

Do they have a buffet at the Rainbow Bridge for you? They must, because it is Heaven. I bet you are eating lots of steak and milkbones right now. It is funny, just the other day I was reminded of the time when we took you and Princess to the Pup-tober fest in Sussex County and how you stole my hotdog. That is my favorite memory of you.

I will never forget the day we brought you home. The shelter called you a BITER. I don’t blame you because I would have bitten those men too, who handled dogs so roughly at the shelter. We knew there was more to you besides those teeth. I am glad Mom fought to bring you home with us because you transformed into a beautiful dog. I remember how you were so scared with your tail between your legs but once you got in our car you totally changed. That was the first time I saw your smile. I don’t know how your previous owners could leave you in such a dark and cold place but I am happy they did. Because you became ours and we did everything to give you the best life you could have.

You turned out to be a great dog. I worked a lot with you. The first day you were at our house I taught you what a belly rub was. You sure loved those! You hated having your ears cleaned and I taught you I could do it gently. You also used to hate being groomed and you turned out to be the easiest to shave and clip. That’s right girlfriend, even easier than the Princess!

Why did you have to leave so suddenly? I know it was quick and you didn’t suffer but it was so unexpected. I had it in my head that you would be home in a few days. But God took you the first night you were at the vet’s. When the vet called and told Mom your heart stopped and they brought you back, I knew it wasn’t good. I really tried to stay strong but when I saw you on that table I knew it was time to let you go. Can you thank Grandpa for me? I know he made sure I was around to say goodbye to you.

Christmas is not going to be as merry with you gone. I am going to try to cook some good food this Christmas and I wish you could be here to share it with us. I know you would have loved it. I know your spirit will be with us but I am going to miss your presence. The pack is not the same without you here. Neither is the house. Every time I walk into the kitchen I expect you to be there. I love you beautiful girl.


Your Family 


Here is a memorial video for Lady. She will always be remembered and never forgotten from our hearts and minds. We will see her again at the Rainbow Bridge.




Should I feed my dog wet or dry food?

This is a big controversy between dog owners, and it really comes down to your dog’s health and needs. Some dog parents claim dry food is better for dogs, while others strongly disagree with that. I recommend asking a vet and looking at your own dog’s needs before deciding on what to choose.

(via debsrun)

(via debsrun)


Dry Food Advantages:

Dry dog food can help clean dog’s teeth. Especially dogs that are prone to dental problems like gum disease. Also, it helps reduce tartar buildup. But dogs that have advanced tooth problems, may find it painful to chew dry food. If your dog is on a diet, dry food can be easily measured for the right proportion. Dry food is also less expensive than wet food and is better on long trips.

Dry Food Disadvantages:

Most dry foods have a reduced fat content and a high carbohydrates content. This means if your dog is very active your dog may require a food with a higher amount of fat in it. Some breeds may have difficulty chewing dry food because of their jaw structure. Also, when there is more fat and protein in a dry food, the price gets higher.


Wet Food Advantages:

Dogs are more willing to eat wet food because it has more flavor and resembles meat. Wet food has more moisture too, which is good for dogs that don’t drink much water or throw up water because they drink too fast. Another positive aspect of wet food is it contains more protein which is good for energy and muscle growth in young dogs.

Wet Food Disadvantages:

The main disadvantage of wet food is it has to be refrigerated and is only good for a few days after being opened. Another downer is wet food doesn’t help keep your dog’s teeth healthy, which may lead to extra teeth issues. Lastly, wet dog food can cause upset stomach.


A Mixed Combination

Many dog owners mix wet and dry food together to create an equal balance of nutrition, protein and fat. Before you do this make sure to check with your vet to decide if this is the best diet choice for your dog. Every dog is different and figuring out what is best for your dog will help you in the long run.


If your dog eats wet or dry food, comment below and tell us why.




How to photograph your dog


Dog owners love to take photos of their dogs just as much as mothers enjoy taking photos of their children. Just look at how many photos of dogs are on the internet. Millions! But many dog owners struggle with capturing a good photo of their pets. As a dog photographer, I know how difficult it can be to get the perfect photo of your dog. I work very hard to capture good photos of my dogs. It is not easy, but since I love photography and dogs I enjoy the work. Over the years I have learned what works for me and what doesn’t.


Don’t over use the flash

I never use flash when I photograph my dogs. They hate the bright flash, and I hate how it turns their eyes yellow or red in the photograph. My dogs have great eyes, why would I want to replace them with laser eyes?

There are photographers who use flash while taking dog photos but point it away from the animal to keep the eyes natural. That technique is great to capture crisp, clear photos in low light, but I prefer to avoid flash all together.

If I am in low light, I will either adjust the settings on my camera to allow more light in through the lens or I will use my tripod. If you don’t have a tripod, you can use any surface to steady your camera. At times I have used a stack of books. Anything to avoid flash, I will do it.


Get down to your dog’s level

Most of the photos I take of my dogs are captured while I’m kneeling on one knee or lying flat on my belly. Imagine me lying flat on the ground, it is a funny sight. But I will do it to capture a good photo. When you are eye level, the photograph of your dog becomes more engaging to viewers. The personality and emotion pop out more.


Capture your dog’s personality

I enjoy having my dogs pose for photos because I like being creative and artsy. But my favorite photos of my pack are taken when they are being themselves. I always tell people, “The best photos of dogs, are dogs being dogs.”

So, if your dog enjoys running in the yard or napping in the sun, capture it! Those are the photos you’ll want to have for memories in a photo album.



This is key because dogs aren’t humans. You can’t tell your dog to sit still like a statue for five minutes or to stretch when you say so. I mean, if your dog is perfectly trained and knows lots of tricks then… maybe. But most dogs turn their heads and move around while you are trying to capture a shot. So, take your time and avoid getting angry. If photography is a positive experience for you, it will be positive for your dog too.

Have fun

Do I really have to explain it?


Cyber Monday dog deals


As Cyber Monday takes over the internet today, there are so many deals to take advantage of. As you are roaming through the internet for those electronics, clothing and tools, don’t forget about dog products. There are a few good websites that have Cyber Monday deals to jump on for your pets.



Remember not all Cyber Monday dog deals last all day. So, stop waiting and go shopping!

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Happy Thanksgiving


I hope everyone had a fun, safe and delicious Thanksgiving. I am very thankful for my dogs. They bring so much happiness and joy to my life. Plus, they know how to get turkey with their irresistible  faces. Remember, its okay to share some turkey with your dogs but watch out for the bones. Gobble Gobble!

Don’t miss out on Petsmart 2013 Black Friday deals!


Petsmart has announced that they will start their online Black Friday extravaganza at 6 AM EST on Thanksgiving Day. When you shop on line for Black Friday you will get free shipping with no minimum purchase required. The in store deals with start Friday Nov 29 at 7 AM. In every store the first 100 customers will receive a stocking stuffed with over a hundred dollars worth of in store coupons.

Some of the great deals for dogs are:

-Top Paw Orthopedic Dog Bed for $39.99
-50% off Selected Dog Treats
-50% off Entire Stock of Pet Holiday Dog Toys
-50% off Entire Stock of Holiday Dog Apparel
-Bissell Spot Clean Pet Plus Cleaning Machine for $79.99

There are many other deals available at Petsmart and you can find them on their website.

With so many great deals offered this year you can get your holiday shopping done for your pets early. Plus, you can save a lot of money! Hope everyone has a safe Black Friday!