What dogs should eat (infographic)

As a owner of three dogs, dog food goes fast in my house. I feel like we are always getting dog food and treats every month or so. I know there is always talk about what you should feed your dog. People constantly asking what is good dog food and what is not? I can admit I don’t feed my dogs the best dog food. My dogs get fed Iams. I know, i know don’t kill me! It is affordable and the pack likes it. Also, we are starting to mix in Iams older dog formula because the two oldest are aging. Here is an infographic showing what your dog should eat.


I would like to eventually start cooking for my dogs. But who knows when I will start that! Hopefully sooner than later. I am curious, what do you feed your dogs? Are you guilty like me or do you feed them some awesome quality dog food?

(via Earth Rated)

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Signs of dementia in old dogs

Just like humans, dogs can get dementia also. But the veterinary term for it is “canine cognitive dysfunction” aka CCD. Its when the brain slowly declines with memory, recognition, thinking and learned behavior. Unfortunately, its untreatable but just like Alzheimer’s for humans, you can slow the process down. If you know the signs you can help your dog with CCD.  Below are some of the signs to help you recognize CCD in your dog.

1. Separation Anxiety
It can either make some dogs less interested in human contact or make them clingy to their human all day. Some dogs when left alone will urinate and defecate all over the house. Other dogs may become frustrated and start chewing at doors and scratching at windows. When dogs senses start to fail they get nervous and don’t know how to cope alone.
2. Getting lost in the house
When the eyes start to go and they aren’t familiar with where they are, dogs start getting stuck behind furniture or walk into things. I recommend not moving furniture around too much because that can confuse a dog even more. Some dogs just stare aimlessly at walls and objects.

2. Pacing at night
Dogs affected by Alzheimer’s can get their sleeping schedule all turned around. If they sleep too much during the day they end up pacing around the house at night.

3. Non responsive to commands
Not only is this caused by dog dementia it is also a sign of loss of hearing. Since that is common in many older dogs. Its important to keep commands fresh in your dogs head so practice them often so your dog doesn’t forget them too fast.

4. Reduced drinking & eating
Senior dogs can forget to eat or drink since their brain isnt functioning like it use to. So, it is important to remind by either talking to them or putting a bowl in front of them. But if their is a lack of interest in food it is important to take your dog to the vet to rule out any other health issue he may have. Remember, lack of water can cause a dog to dehydrate so try to make sure your dog drink some water once in awhile.

What can you do to help your dog with dementia?
Like I said above, sadly there is no treatment but there are some helpful solutions to slow down the process of CCD. There are certain senior dog foods and herbs that can help dogs if they have CCD. The best thing to do is ask your vet for advice. Always remember, the closest thing to a cure for dog dementia is unconditional love.

Sandy’s misplaced pets

Hurricane Sandy may be long gone but areas are still working on recovery from the devastation Sandy brought to the NJ & NY area. Not only people are affected, animals are too. So many dogs and cats have been separated from their owners. Luckily the ASPCA, started a temporary shelter in Brooklyn, NY to help reunite pets with their owners.

Around 300 animals got separated but luckily a lot have been reunited. But there are still around 100 waiting for their owners to come for them. They are hoping all the pets get back to their owners because the shelter environment is not good for them and they will soon need to find new forever homes.

If you have been separated from your pet because of Hurricane Sandy, you should go to the temporary shelter at 1508 Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11233, to see if your pet may be there. I hope they all get reunited with their owners soon.


(via abc news)

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Senior Sunday (1-6-13)

The first Senior Sunday of 2013 is here…


Tilly (AZ)
brussels griffon shih tzu mix
loves people and dogs


Mari (TX)


Grace (IL)
american staffordshire terrier
very sweet girl that needs to be the only pet in the house.


Russell (SC)
poodle jack russell terrier mix
Sweet and may have cataracts.


Nina (NJ)
looking for a quiet calm home that she can adjust to


Allie (OH)
Husky labrador retriever mix
she is well behaved and is good with dogs, cats and kids.

Senior Sunday (12-30-12)

I know I am late on posting Senior Sunday but I can still post it since it is still Sunday in certain parts of the world. Phew…now lets get to these sweet senior dogs.

Emmie (OH)
yellow labrador retriever
this sweet girl is friendly and needs a responsible owner who can take care of her medical issues.

Crissy (LA)

Suzi (FL)
australian shepherd
she is 12 years old and doesnt like cats or dogs the same size as her

Hugo (FL)
shih tzu mix

The Shelter Pups

I was scrolling through Pinterest (yes I am pintaholic) and I came across this awesome website called The Shelter Pups. They create customized stuffed dogs that you can adopt like a real dog. But, the cool thing is they can make a stuffed dog look just like your dog. All you have to do is send a photo of your dog to them and they do the magic.

The stuffed pups may be a bit pricey but its definitely worth it since you can decide to donate the money to your local shelter. Now, what can be better than that! Maybe one day I will have them create a stuffed pup of one of my dogs. Oliver with his black patch would make a cute stuffed animal. Oh wait, he already looks like one! Anyways, if you would like your own dog created into a plush dog just click here.

Senior Sunday (12-23-12)

Christmas is almost here and there are hundreds of senior dogs in shelters and rescues looking to be adopted. Here are some senior dogs wishing to have a home this holiday season.

labrador retriever, chow chow mix
This sweet girl is 10 years old and has good leash manners.


beagle, terrier mix
He is around 10 years old and loves attention and treats.

australian cattle dog
He is affectionate

shepherd mix
He loves people, mellow and is around 10 years old.

terrier, schnauzer mix
She loves people and attention.

australian sheperd mix
She is 10 years old and is a calm girl.

Hope these sweet seniors get the best gift they could ever receive…a home this holiday.